Portfolio Project“El Ihsan” association was founded in 2014, its main goal is to provide a better life to orphans in need. Since my father is a member of…Nov 4, 2020Nov 4, 2020
What happens when you type a URL in your browser and press EnterThe Internet’s history goes back some decades by now - email has been around since the 1960s, file sharing since at least the 1970s, and…Aug 23, 2020Aug 23, 2020
Class and instance attributesA class is a code template for creating objects. Objects have member variables and have behavior associated with them. In python a class…May 25, 2020May 25, 2020
The differences between static and dynamic libraries.Why using libraries in general?May 4, 2020May 4, 2020
We’re trying to get to know Hard links and Symbolic links and the difference between themLinks usually used as a shortcut for a file not in the same directory as they are.May 4, 2020May 4, 2020
ls *.cLinux is a family of operating systems, open-source and UNIX-based Nowadays called GNU. We interact with the OS using the command line…May 4, 2020May 4, 2020
GCC and its wonders“GNU Compiler Collection” is a compiler for many programming languages including “C” which was initially developed by Dennis Ritchie in…Feb 5, 2020Feb 5, 2020